Most Medical Staffing Agencies Take the Following Coverage:
General Liability:
General liability is a very broad policy form, with several sub-sections of coverage. From a medical staffing perspective, the most common incident that triggers general liability is bodily injury to a 3rd party while on your premises. General liability also responds to allegations of libel and slander and various other perils.
Professional Liability:
In a medical staffing setting, professional liability responds to damage to a client due to allegations of improper care or due to the absence of proper care. We have seen claims ranging from improperly reported/treated bed sores to dropping a client assisting to the restroom.
Workers Compensation:
Workers compensation is mandatory in 49 states (with certain numerical exceptions) and responds to on-the-job injury to employees (and increasingly, contractors). A must for medical staffing firms, no facility will staff your employees without proof of workers' comp coverage.
Additional Insureds Including Waiver of Subrogation:
Most staffing contracts require that the staffing agency add the facility and contract manager as additional insureds with waiver of subrogation. Such status extends coverage to the additional insured entity for the acts of a staffed professional. It is vitally important that a medical staffing insurance program allows additional insureds, and that it can comply with any special wordings required.
Some Staffing Agencies Take the Following Additional Lines of Coverage:
Contents Insurance:
Protects your business personal property (copiers, desks, chairs, computers, etc.) from loss. Some policies also provide business income replacement and extra expense reimbursement, both valuable in the event of a catastrophic claim but too complicated to address here.
Employment Practices Liability Insurance:
Responds to employment related claims such as EEOC claims, failure to promote, age discrimination, etc.
Umbrella Liability:
Extends the limits of insurance available on underlying policies. Increasingly, staffing contracts require umbrella coverage of various limits.